First essays (November 2011)
November 13th 2011
Jurgen is now halfway through his first trimester at Trinity School of Theology. This trimester his modules are: Spirit and Church in Mission Context and Studying the Old Testament. He is very happy to receive education at this college and he is given a lot of help in his studies. The lessons take place in small groups, which enhances the learning process.
For both modules two papers have to be written. The first two essays have been completed, grades have not been given yet.
For whom is interested: below you can click on the essays to read them. The essay for the module 'Spirit and Church in Mission Context' illustrates the role of the Spirit in New Testament Times, during the Reformation and contemporary time. The essay underlines that the heart of the church is mission.
The second essay is an exegesis (explanation of the Bible) on Genesis 12, where Abram received his calling. We hope you enjoy reading the essays!
In the meantime Jurgen has started working on his portfolio of the church we visit for the module 'Spirit and Church in Mission Context'. He is also thinking about the subject for his second exegesis.