From Un-reached to reached


Listen to the introduction of the videos on this page:

How do you reach people who have never heard of Jesus?

There are several methods that we are going to use on Madagascar. Two great ways are the famous Jesus film and telling Bible stories.

Video 1 is an introduction of the Jesus film which you can see in video 2. You can choose to watch the film in four (!) different languages: English, Dutch, Malagasy and Bara (one of the many dialects on Madagascar).

Video 3 and 4 are examples of Bible storying. Video 3 is the story of Ruth and in video 4 the story of the Philippian Jailer will come to life.


Africa Region JESUS Film Update

Listen here to understand why the Jesusfilm is so important and why the film is a welcome addition to missionary work.

The Jesus film in four languages

The famous Jesus film has been welcomed by many missionaries. The film is available in more then 1300 languages. Below you can watch the film in four languages, namely: English, Dutch, Malagasy and Bara (a Malagasy dialect). You can choose this in the playlist (upper left).

Ruth and Naomi

Ruth and Naomi as told by Donna from 'The Seed Company'.

The Philippian Jailer

The Philippian Jailer as told by Dan from 'The Seed Company'.

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